Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Waking up to Gillian (Welch)

Waking up to Gillian
Like waking up lying in the soft brown earth
next to a beautiful brook
In the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee
- Something ancestral awakens, confederates in the gene pool -
The sun filtered by the lacework of many leaves
Caressing gently newly opened eyes
A smile breaks across my face….

Hannibal Heart

I loved her, she me
Uncompromising, alone
I ate my heart - raw

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Ravens of Yachats

If you see the ravens,
           you know you are
in Yachats

They are the reincarnated souls
            of the Old Ones, the Shining Ones

Keeping an eye on
            the dark waters
Where earth meets sea meets sky
            and breathes a magical, mystical sigh

Eternal Return

Every day you
           Draw in, breathe out: Life, Death
High, Low, In, Out, Sea

Co-Existence (cont.)

I walk,
           he flies
There is more than enough room
           for both of us

Resist the urge
           to kill the fly
He or she deserves a chance
           We all do

Co-Existence: A Haiku

Me and a Fly: Die!
To swat or not to swat: why?