Friday, February 8, 2019

The Graveyard

The Graveyard
by Matthew R. Holmes © 2016
Human sacrifice is alive and well In this civilized place I call hell
Pettiness and meanness are the rule In this, the kingdom of the fool
Compassion, depth, and sensitivity will be derided All thought weak and chided
All by those who know better But corporatism is their fetter
No individuals allowed Especially us loners: disavowed
Cultures go to die In the theoretical sky
Of intellect divorced from emotion Of words separate from motion
Of money separate from labor Of pride without honor
Reason without compassion and courage, honor and understanding Can unleash horrors unending

First the Bible then the gun Blind, stupid men think genocide is fun Where once there were millions of natives
Then almost none
Once hallowed landscapes are now cursed We shit on the sacred Peaks, to fill up their purse!
While corporate monotony Reigns in unfettered hegemony
Indigenous America is on the rise Standing up for Mother Earth and tribal rights Even white kids going native, what a surprise Only five hundred years of Christianity in their hindsights
The indigenous spirit is ancient and runs deep, is Giving, not taking Creating, not destroying, Loving, not hating
We are all indigenous to somewhere We are all children of earth
We kill life For profit and science and strife
We kill each other Our human brother Our human sister Our four-legged, flying, and swimming kin
And the creeping, crawling, and slithering din
We kill ants, birds, mice, wolves And think our problems solved
We bulldoze, gouge, and scrape We eradicate entire landscapes
Where are the wildflowers and wilderness? Will our great grandchildren even know what they missed?
It's better to live on a farm or in a forest than on the street Because you can't eat concrete
Instead of finding our niche We make everything our niche

We kill everything, we, the human mob We kill everything, and call it a job.

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